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Top 5 Wireless Earbuds in September Based On Audio Quality, Battery Life & Price

48+ Wireless Earbuds Tested By Our Local 🇺🇸 Audiophile Expert. The Winner May Surprise You.

Looking for a pair of quality wireless earbuds that don’t break the bank?


We tested and reviewed the most popular and best selling wireless earbuds in 2024. We compared both big name brands as well as small companies  to determine which offers the best combination of sound quality, battery life, comfort and value – without a hefty price tag.


Our testing revealed that paying for expensive big brand earphones can often be a waste of money.


To our surprise, our test winner was actually created by a smaller start up company that managed to beat the competition in almost every aspect.


Here’s the list of our Top 5 Bluetooth Earbuds picks for 2024, with a full review of our #1 choice at the bottom of the page.

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eardrops true wireless earbuds

  #1 Best in 2024   




User Ratings (6,354+)

Vital Earbuds
Price: $49.95 $99.95

Best Sound/Voice Quality

Smart Touch Controls

6 Hours Playtime – Charge With Case For Over 18 Hours Total!

Compatible With All Devices – iPhone, Android, Laptops etc.

Comfortable Fit – Perfect For Being Active

 Easy Setup – Automatic 5.1 Bluetooth Pairing

Best Value For Price In 2024

Sells Out Frequently

Only Available Online




Money Back Guarantee: Try Risk Free For 30 Days.






Apple AirPods

Price: $164

Spatial Audio

Adaptive EQ

Great Audio Quality

 Quick Siri Access

 Only Available Online







Price: $242.70

V1 HD Noise Cancelling

 Hands Free Calling

Decent Battery Life

Dual Noise Sensor Microphones

Noise Isolation Earbud Tips


See Rest Of List





User Ratings (6,354+)

Vital Earbuds
Price: $49.95 $99.95

Best Sound/Voice Quality

Smart Touch Controls

6 Hours Playtime – Charge With Case For Over 18 Hours Total!

Compatible With All Devices – iPhone, Android, Laptops etc.

Comfortable Fit – Perfect For Being Active

 Easy Setup – Automatic 5.1 Bluetooth Pairing

Best Value For Price In 2024

Sells Out Frequently

Only Available Online




Money Back Guarantee: Try Risk Free For 30 Days.


Our testing showed that Vital Earbuds have an incredible audio range, making it suitable for all music lovers!


You don't need to stress about your earbuds running out of battery while you're on the go. The battery also recharges very quickly and efficiently.


Vital Earbuds work with all sorts of devices, whether its mobile phones, tablets or laptops.

We Bought and Tested the Most Popular Wireless Earbuds, Here's Why Vital Earbuds Is Our #1 Pick.

Summary: You don’t need to pay big bucks to enjoy high quality, wireless sound any longer. Vital Earbuds have managed to pack in the most sought after high tech features – without charging customers an arm and a leg!

UPDATE September 27, 2024: Due to frequent media coverage and high consumer demand, Vital Earbuds are currently sold out in retail stores nationwide. However, it may still be available on their online website HERE.

The rise in popularity of wireless earbuds has led the thousands of brands to flood the market with their own products. These earphones are not all created equal and vary in many factors such as price, sound quality and battery life. 

In fact it can be quite overwhelming to choose which pair of earbuds will suit you and avoid cheap junk products.

I’ve been a hardcore audiophile for over 10 years and have tried almost every style of wireless earbuds ranging from budget options, cheap Chinese knock offs and even the most expensive ones such as the Apple Airpods Pro.

I can confidently say that going of price alone when picking earbuds won’t do you much good. There are many big brand devices out there that are uncomfortable, run out of battery quickly and have poor quality, despite being very expensive.

The latest craze to hit the market are a pair of earbuds called the Vital Earbuds which seem to have won the hearts of consumers all over the world with thousands of reviews praising their quality.

The team at Vital Earbuds claim to have designed true wireless earbuds with deep bass, crisp audio, long battery life, comfortable fit and smart touch controls…all at a fraction of the price of the big brands.

These claims were hard to live up to, but the general positive response to the Vital Earbuds on social media and audiophile forums had me excited to try them out for myself.

First Impressions

I received the Vital Earbuds in a couple days after ordering so we were off to a good start.

After opening the package and examining the Vital Earbuds I immediately noticed the high quality material and the sleek design of the headphones. If I didn’t know how much they cost, I would have guessed it to be $150+ based on the build quality alone. 

The design of these earbuds was sleek and discreet. Some other brands I had tested before had a bulky design that stuck out of your ears and looked ugly, the Vital Earbuds definitely didn’t have that problem.

We’ve all experienced the difference of a cheap or brittle product and a high quality one, whether its sunglasses, clothes or shoes… well wireless earphones are no different and this pair felt and looked amazing. So far I was impressed, but I still had a lot more testing to do.


The Vital Earbuds were extremely easy to setup and connect. All you have to do is take them out of the case, go to the Bluetooth settings on your device and press connect. Once you have paired them they will auto connect every time you take the earphones out of the case.

The best thing is that they are compatible with almost every device that has Bluetooth including iPhones, Androids, laptops, tablets and computers!

Comfort & fit test

After setting up the Vital Earbuds, I put them in to test how comfortable they really are. A big problem I’ve had in the past with wireless earbuds was how they badly they sometimes fit in my ears, often falling out if I did any kind of exercise.

The Vital Earbuds on the other hand felt pretty great. They fit snuggly in my ear but weren’t too tight as to cause any irritation. I shook my head around like a mad man and they actually stayed in my ears the whole time!

How's the sound quality?

Curious about how they sounded, I fired up one of my favourite rock tracks and sat back in my chair. I noticed relatively boosted sub-bass notes, and how the mids remained crisp and clearly audible. I could hear the singers voice with insane clarity and the whole experience felt so realistic, like I was there in person at a live concert. 

I also tested out some other songs such as some popular top 40 ones, jazz, rap and even classical – I was extremely impressed with how Vital Earbuds handled the huge ranges in frequency and bass. I’m confident in saying that the majority of people would be extremely pleased with how these wireless earphones sound, regardless of the music they like to listen to.

What about noise cancellation?

Do you ever feel like putting on your favourite song and just zoning out the rest of the world? Noise cancelling is an extremely important aspect to me and many other music lovers.

When I put in the Vital Earbuds I could already barely hear anything that was going on in the office and when I started actually playing music, the sound from the outside was completely droned out. I even asked my co worker to try talk to me while I was listening to a song, and I couldn’t hear a thing.

This is a great feature for many situations. Whether you just want to enjoy a song, you’re at the gym working out or you’re at a busy noisy public place, noise cancellation can be a god send. Personally I even do my best work while listening to music and blocking out the distractions of the office.

Voice calls

Now it was time to test the microphone of the Vital Earbuds. The voice call audio is something that many brands cannot get right, as it often sounds quite distorted and low quality.

So in order to see how the Vital Earbuds would do, I had my co-worker call me up. I answered the call by gently tapping on the side of the headphones, thanks to the smart touch controls.

My co-workers voice sounded crystal clear, like I was talking to her in real life. I asked her how my audio sounded on her end and she confirmed that it was very easy to hear and understand me. 

To test it further, I paired the Vital Earbuds with my laptop and went on a zoom call (basically a daily part of everyone’s lives now days). Once again the audio quality was great for both me and my co-worker. 

It turns out that the Vital Earbuds developed  a specialized HD calling feature which extends the frequency range of audio signals to match what the human ear is capable of receiving, resulting in a clearer, vibrant and natural sounding audio.

Battery life

The Vital Earbuds came fully charged and after using them for around 4 hours doing all these tests, they still had 47% battery left!

My regular earphones run out of battery after around 3.5 hours and I paid a fortune for them! The Vital Earbuds can last basically double that for a total of 6 hours (24 hours total with the case).

And what’s super convenient is that they come with a charging case that you can use to top up your Vital Earbuds on the go. The case also doubles up as a power bank which only takes around an hour to charge back up.

What else makes the Vital Earbuds #1?

🗹 Superior Sound & Noise Cancelling – They sound just like high end expensive earbuds without the insane price tag.

🗹 IPX5 Waterproof and Sweat Proof – Perfect for working out or any weather conditions.

🗹 Touch Smart Control– Multi-functional smart touch controls allow you to pick up calls, switch tracks and adjust volume by simply tapping the earbuds.

🗹 Ergonomic Comfortable Fit – Hundreds of hours of research went into making sure the Vital Earbuds are as comfortable as possible. They also come with multiple ear tips to make sure it will fit for anybody.

🗹 Low Profile & Sleek Design – Compact & lightweight charging case for maximum convenience.  

🗹 Latest 5.1 Bluetooth Tech– Makes sure there’s no audio and video desync when watching videos.

Is It Really Worth All This Hype?

So far, Vital Earbuds has sold multiple thousands of units directly to consumers. It’s has been selling out every time they re-stock, it’s become THAT popular.


All of the success can be attributed to word of mouth referrals. People like you and I are loving it so much they’re posting about it on social media. 


Here are some social media posts we were able to find:

It’s clear that the Vital Earbuds are developing a cult like following on social media!

How Much Does It Cost?

Normally, quality wireless earbuds go for between $150-300, so one would expect the Vital Earbuds to be in this price range too…

In reality, Vital Earbuds sell for only $99 since the founders are doing everything to keep the prices low. However the company has recently announced a LIMITED TIME 50% off sale bringing the price down to just $49 on their online site!

It’s certainly a small price to pay to make and record some unforgettable memories!

How Can It Be So Affordable?

The big name brands spend billions on fancy advertising (e.g. $6.5 Million for a 30 sec SuperBowl Ad) and bonuses for their greedy CEOs. Guess who’s paying for that in the end? The customer!

Instead, Vital Earbuds don’t run many ads and instead relies on word of mouth referral sales from their customers. That and selling mostly through their online store allowed them to keep costs lower than the competition.

So, What's The Verdict?

Everyone who has tested the Vital Earbuds unanimously agrees; this is a must have pair of earphones for people who want high quality sound at a low price.

If you’re thinking of getting some, we suggest taking advantage of the 50% Off introductory discount before it runs out.

If you’re still on the fence, Vital Earbuds has a 30 day money back guarantee (no questions asked) meaning that you could always buy one and return if if you don’t like it. 

Where Can I Buy The Real Vital Earbuds?

To take advantage of the current 50% discount and order simply follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website to check stock

2. Select the amount of devices you want to purchase

3. Fill your shipping information and payment method

4. Enjoy your favourite tunes without annoying wires!

*Special Offer Now $49 vs $99 – Available Online Only -While Supplies Last

#1 Earbuds In 2024
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eardrops true wireless earbuds

Overall Rating: 4.8/5

About the Author
Drone Review Expert

Max is a tech enthusiast who loves to try and test new innovating products that can make life easier. Invest your money smartly and make your life better!

Drone Review Expert

Meet Our Tech Review Expert, Max.

Max Dunn is a techie at heart who always dreamed of turning his fascination with computers and drones into a career. He finds working for Top Tech Report a perfect opportunity to express his views of all kinds of new and exciting products. Being an avid reader, particularly of fantasy and sci-fi, Max pursued a degree in Computer science and Literature. When not at his computer, he’s watching sports or playing table top games.

As an Amazon Associate & Affiliate of other partners Top Tech Report may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made as a result of our reviews.

🕒 Hurry, Limited Time Offer!

eardrops true wireless earbuds


Buy Vital Wireless Earbuds Today And Save 50% Off The Original Price (While Stocks Last)

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